Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Closing with a Little Bit of Magic

Well, I am putting another successful day on the Beach to bed. It was a bit on the stressful side today: the baby was fussy (possibly teething), I had a pressing deadline for work, and the dishes were overflowing the sink. By the time five o'clock rolled around, I was working on a lovely little headache. I'm not sure if the headache was caused by the stress, or by dehydration; I hadn't had much water through the day, and I had started out parched. I've power-chugged 48 ounces of water since dinnertime... should be a fun overnight.

But for now, I'm basking in the afterglow of a true miracle moment. Tonight, I -- while on a "diet" -- ate a cookie. Yes, I know... you all probably think that cookies are verboten on a diet. Well, thanks to Paula Deen that myth has been busted! I happened to catch Paula demonstrating the recipe for her Magical Peanut Butter Cookies yesterday while I was working (yes, I keep Food Network on TV in the background while I work... it's not like it's torture, or distracting, or anything). The recipe only calls for peanut butter, Splenda, one egg, and some vanilla. It's sugar-free, gluten free, and LEGAL for all phases of South Beach, and only takes about 15 minutes to make from start through bake. Yes, I probably could have just eaten a dollop of PB on a spoon... but then I would be missing out on the crumbly, sweet goodness that is COOKIE. With milk. Sweet dreams!

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