Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Spice of Life

For me, there is nothing more energizing, nothing that recharges my batteries more than a new look. I am constantly reinventing myself, and have over the years been known to surprise many (including Dave) with dramatically different...locks. Red, blonde, long, short, spiky, curly, name it, I've done it to my hair. (Well, except for maybe purple, mohawk, or completely shaved. But you get the picture.) I have virtually no fear when it comes to my hair -- my mantra is, It will grow back.

So, since the cold, cruel winter renewed its icy grip this past week -- dumping snow, ice, and a nasty cold on my doorstep -- I needed something to pull me out of a rut of despair. Off to Supercuts I went, armed with some pictures I printed from the Web of what I hoped would be my next cool, new 'do. (If you're looking for some ideas for your next haircut, this short hairstyles blog is chock full of inspiration.)

Twenty bucks (and a box of ColorSilk #42) later, I have an awesome new look and a renewed sense of vigor. Yesterday, although the temperature barely broke freezing, I had the distinct feeling that Spring was on its way. I could almost smell it. There was decidedly more spring in my step (no pun intended). The effect was immediate, and truly amazing.

So what is it about changing my look that is so invigorating? I think the key word is change. The one thing I hear over and over again on South Beach is, when you hit a plateau in your weight loss, change up your food choices. Exercise routine in a rut? Throw in something different. Our bodies get used to the same thing day in and day out, become complacent, figure out the path of least resistance. We need to throw it a curve, shake things up to get it revved up again. I believe the same holds true with the mind. When you get into a rut of negative thinking, the path of least resistance is to continue that train of thought. A new look is the quickest, easiest way for me to jump start my brain, plain and simple.

They say that variety is the spice of life. It's what makes life interesting... it's what makes life worth living. Don't be afraid of change; embrace it. And if you find yourself stuck in a rut, take yourself directly to the nearest hairdresser. Don't worry, it will grow back!


  1. Love it!
    I'm the same way with my hair, as I'm sure the family has noticed over the years. Only, mine has been purple, and i'm currently contemplating the mohawk.

    Short hair really looks great on you!

  2. Thanks, Kerri! I was thinking of you when I wrote about the purple hair... ;)
